Barry has off for the rest of the week. We were supposed to go to the Blackwelder family reunion, but were unable to due to my being so far along in pregnancy and the fact that the family reunion is in Tennessee. So we decided to go and visit Barry's Grandfather Lloyd Turnbull in Fort Myers, FL. We had a nice time visiting. The boys loved looking out the window of Grandpa's condo, being that it is on the 19th floor of a high rise. They also loved getting rides on Grandpa's mobile chair. My favorite part is listening to Grandpa's stories of when he was young. He told me about how the radio came about when he was a teenager. Kids have it so different these days. He also told me about how men weren't allowed in the delivery room back then either. I am so glad that Barry is able to be in the delivery room now! He has so many things to tell and we enjoy visiting him.
8 years ago
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