So these are our little trick or treaters. Braden was the blue power ranger, Lincoln was Optimus Prime, and Brooklyn was a fairy. We went to the ward trunk or treat and had fun, at least until the very end. Yesterday, we were talking with our kids and telling them that when we went trick or treating the next day that it was very important for them to stay near by us at all times. Well come tonight, Braden decided he was going to do his own thing. Barry was chasing him around all night trying to get him to stay near us, but he wasn't listening very well. The party was over and he told Braden that it was time to go and that he needed to go to the car. Barry turned around to hand Brooklyn to me so he could get Lincoln and Braden took off. We have no idea where he went but we looked for him for about a half hour. We had several people helping us look for him. He had run off and was playing with Jesse Thayn. I was almost was crying at one point. We eventually found him, he had lost his candy bucket though. So we had a little chat with him. Come to find out he had heard us calling his name and he didn't come. We were planing on walking around our neighborhood after our trunk or treat, but Lincoln only got to go. Braden had to go straight to bed. That is why you only see Lincoln outside in one of the pictures. So that is our adventurous night, I hope that your Halloween was a little better than ours.
8 years ago
Oi nao sei se vc esta lendo isso..MAS se estiver sou jakson acho q te achei vc foi o elder que me batizou queria muito ter um contato com vc!!!vc fez missao brasil manaos e passou aqui no acre ...especialmente no ramo ler isso me adiciona no msn que ehhh quero muito fala com vc ver como vc esta e te contas umas coisas sobre mim...te achei no orkut mas vc nao responde ver lahh na sua pagina de recados...
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